Collator compare(String, String) method in Java with Example
The compare() method of java.text.Collator class is used to compare the strength of two string and it will return 0, positive and negative values as an output according to the result....
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DecimalFormat isParseBigDecimal() method in Java
The isParseBigDecimal() method of the DecimalFormat class in Java is used to check whether the parse() method of the DecimalFormat class returns a value of BigInteger type or not....
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Collator getAvailableLocales() method in Java with Example
The getAvailableLocales() method of java.text.Collator class is used to get the all available locales which come under the passed Locales instance during the initializing of Collator object.Syntax:...
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DecimalFormat getPositivePrefix() method in Java
The getPositivePrefix() method of the DecimalFormat class in Java is used to get the positive prefix value of this DecimalFormat instance....
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SimpleDateFormat applyPattern() Method in Java with Examples
The applyPattern() Method of SimpleDateFormat class is used to set a given defined pattern to the Date Format. It simply converts a particular date and time to a specific format as defined by the user for eg., dd/ MM/ yyyy HH:mm Z or MM/ dd/ yyyy HH:mm Z.Syntax:...
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BreakIterator getText() method in Java with Examples
The getText() method of java.text.BreakIterator class is used to get the text previously set by the setText() method in breakiterator.Syntax:...
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Collator getStrength() method in Java with Example
The getStrength() method of java.text.Collator class is used to get the strength property of Collator object which will help that object during comparison....
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DecimalFormat setParseBigDecimal() method in Java
The setParseBigDecimal() method of the DecimalFormat class in Java is used to set whether the parse() method of the DecimalFormat class will return a value of BigInteger type or not. If this method is set true, then the parse() method will return a BigDecimal value....
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Collator setStrength() method in Java with Example
The setStrength() method of java.text.Collator class is used to set the strength property of Collator object which will help that object during comparison of two string.Syntax:...
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DecimalFormat setMaximumIntegerDigits() method in Java
The setMaximumIntegerDigits() method is a built-in method of the java.text.DecimalFomrat class in Java and is used to set the maximum number of digits allowed in the Integral part of a number. The Integral part of a number is the part displayed before the decimal(.) symbol....
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FieldPosition hashCode() method in Java with Example
The hashCode() method of java.text.FieldPosition class is used to get the hashcode of the FieldPosition object. Syntax:...
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ChoiceFormat hashCode() method in Java with Examples
The hashCode() method of java.text.ChoiceFormat class is used to get the hash code for choice format object. This hashcode value is returned as an integer....
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